Thursday, January 19, 2012

Project 365

A few people I know are participating in this photo blog called 365 Project. In a nutshell, you take a picture every day for a year & upload it to this site - it's like a regular blog, you can write stuff about the picture, have followers, etc. I am fascinated by it. I think it forces you to find little things in each day - big or small, important or not - and capture it. I love the simplicity of it, but also the deep sentiment that it juxtaposes. (Whoa! Big word alert!) 

Today, I would take a picture of the stack of boxes around my desk at work. Before we left for Christmas break, I worked really hard to clean up my desk and surrounding area... and in a mere 2 weeks I have managed to rebuild quite the box-igloo around my desk; tons and tons of jackets for me to review. 

Yesterday, I would have taken a picture of my dog, Zoey, with Drew's  bright green snot-sucker in her mouth. She stole it and ran off to her bed to hide it. It would have made a pretty funny picture. 

Anyway - I just wanted to share this project because I think it's cool and I think it forces you to stop and look at your life and find something noteworthy in every day. Yay for that.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Shoes... Oh my god, Shoes...

Two things have happened in the last few days... 

First... I noticed how horrible my pedicure was... I don't think I can even admit how long it's been without grossing myself out... so we'll just move on.

Second... my current shoe situation is sad. My feet grew during the last part of my pregnancy and have s..l..o..w..l..y decided to go back to my normal 8 1/2 so I have been on shoe-buying hiatus for awhile trying to let my feet figure out what they're doing... well.. time is UP!

I've known for a while but I have a sincere obsession with wedges. I am already 5'8" on flat feet so adding another 5+ inches on my heels makes me come off like a behemoth... but for fashion, I suppose it is worth it. 

Perusing Piperlime this morning, I found the following lovelies calling out my name.

I honestly can't decide which ones are my favorite. So I think it's a sign that I should get them all... don't you think?! Here I come, 6'1"!

Now, off to get that pedicure before I embarrass myself...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Baby in a Bucket

What do you do when you get a lot of new toys for Christmas? 
You put them all in a big bucket and then you sit in it and play with them!