Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Good and Bad Things

Today is one of those days... good things.. then not-so-good things.. Hopefully to be followed by more good things.

I am back on Weight Watchers trying to shed the unwanted baby weight - and today when I weighed in I was down 3.8 lbs! Christmas you are no match for ME! It was a great motivator for me to stay on track. I am down a total of 5.4 lbs since I started about a month ago and that makes me feel hopeful that someday soon I might actually fit back into my jeans & my wedding band.
That was the good..

...the bad is that Drew got his first round of vaccines today. I think I actually felt my heart rip a little when he started waling from the 3 needles being stabbed in his thighs. The nurse, God bless her, was very quick but nothing could quite prepare me for the total anguish that my 10-week old son was going through - both physically and I assume a touch of mentally & emotionally as well. He's been sleeping for roughly 2 hours now and seems to want to block this day out by continuing on a marathon nap. I know all kids go through this & he will not remember it even as early as later today but still, going through that for the first time is a bit overwhelming. When they put the bandaids on the baby they should also hand the mom and nice glass of wine to calm her. Needless to say, I will probably partake in that glass of wine later today.

In some whimsical way I think that today's little medical adventure is a good preparation for parents; there will be times when our kids have to go through sucky things and all we can do is stroke their heads, tell them it's ok & promise that you will stay with them until it's all better... and then head straight for the booze.

Just kidding... sort of.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I'm a bit late but I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas & is looking forward to the New Year. Our little guy had a great first Christmas - Made out like a bandit! We enjoyed both Christmas Eve & Christmas Day with my husband's family; the weekend before with my family.

Christmas Morning... New bib thanks to Auntie Robin

Christmas Family Photo

Happy Holidays to all!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Photos

Last weekend we were going to try to take pictures of Drew & his cousins, Jordan & Caleb, for Christmas. We ended up having to cancel our appointment due to a scheduling conflict but we thought maybe we'd try to take some pictures of Drew since he was already in his sassy outfit... All I can say is that maybe it was a good thing that we had to cancel our appointment since our subject was being rather non-cooperative.

Attempt One, on mom's lap:
(now we're just getting cheeky!)

Attempt Two, on the couch:

After this we thought.. maybe Christmas photos were overrated.
Our last attempt....

Hmm, maybe not.

Holding my own...

This cracked me up - Drew decided I wasn't doing a good enough job of feeding him so he decided to take over. I tried to explain to him that it was too early for him to be feeding himself but he wouldn't hear it.

I can't figure out where he gets his stubborn streak from. :)

Friday, December 3, 2010


Drew is 6-weeks this week & that is when all the books say he'll start smiling & giggling. And sure enough... this is the cutey-pie face I got yesterday!
